Plumbing and drainage work

You need to apply for approval from Council if you are planning to:

  • Carry out water supply work.
  • Draw or sell water from a council water supply or a standpipe.
  • Install, alter, disconnect or remove a meter connected to a service pipe.
  • Carry out sewerage work.
  • Connect a private drain or sewer with a public drain or sewer under the control of a council or with a drain or sewer which connects with such a public drain or sewer.

Work must be undertaken by a NSW licensed plumber.

This is required under Section 68 of the Local Government Act

Before you start your application

Read the information on this page so you know what documents and plans to submit with your application.

Contact Council’s Local Approvals officers if you have any questions.

How to apply?

Step 1.Complete a Plumbing and Drainage Works requirements form

  1. Download and complete the Plumbing and Drainage Works requirements form(PDF, 1MB)
  2. Gather the documents and plans required for the works. 

Step 2.Submit your application on the NSW Planning Portal

  1. Create an account on the NSW Planning Portal
  2. Use the NSW Planning Portal to complete the online Section 68 Application.
    The Quick Reference Guide for submitting an application under Section 68 steps you through the process. 
  3. Upload all required documents and plans in the correct format. Refer to our guide Electronic document formatting requirements

Step 3.Council reviews the application

We will contact the applicant if more information is required. If the information is not submitted in a timely manner, or there is critical information missing, the application may be returned. It will then need to be resubmitted.

Step 4.Application accepted

An invoice will be sent to the nominated payee. Once payment is received, assessment of your application will start.

See Council's Fees and Charges

Step 5.Application approved

A notice will be issued that includes a number of conditions. These conditions will identify the stages that inspections need to undertaken.

Step 6.Notice of works

Your plumber must submit a Notice of Works for plumbing work no later than two business days before the work is carried out. 

Step 7.Inspection

Book a final plumbing inspection when works are finished.

Most properties will have or need a single water connection and water meter. 

All new water connections must meet minimum requirements.

You must provide details about all existing and new proposed water meters on the plans you submit with your Section 68 Plumbing and Drainage application.

View fees for water meters.

Minimum requirements for water meters

All Council owned water meters must be 400mm from the property boundary.

If this is not possible because of pressures, flows or other circumstances, you must get an agreement approved by Council. This must be done before submitting a Plumbing and Drainage application.

Contact Council's Infrastructure Services if this applies to you 02 6626 7000

Constructing a single dwelling or a single dwelling and granny flat

Typically, only one water meter is required.

You can request a second meter for the granny flat. Details must be provided in your Section 68 plumbing and drainage plans that you submit. 

Other important requirements to include:

  • A water meter must be installed before any on-site activity begins which requires water.
  • If the proposed water connection is more than 20 meters from Council's water main an extension will be required.
  • Water connections are not permitted on a trunk main supply.
  • Council is not liable for any problems that arise due to undersized services. It is the applicant’s responsibility to choose the most appropriate water service and meters for the subject property. The customer is responsible for completing hydraulic investigations to assist in determining the correct size requirements.
  • If Council believes that connection to the water supply is not practical or equitable the application may be refused.
  • No in-ground water meters or water meter boxes (as depicted in the standard drawings) will be accepted, and any existing water meters shall be upgraded to councils' current standards.

Strata Residential 

All residential strata units must be individually metered via a council water meter. This must be applied for and detailed on the Section 68 plumbing and drainage plans.

All Council owned water meters must be 400mm from the property boundary (not strata boundary).

If this is not possible because of pressures, flows or other circumstances, you must get an agreement approved by Council. This must be done before submitting a Plumbing and Drainage application.

Contact Council's Infrastructure Services if this applies to you 02 6626 7000.

Strata Commercial and Industrial Development

For lots containing multiple commercial and industrial units, in order to strata subdivide, each unit shall be individually metered by Council owned water meters and installed  to councils requirements.  

Standard Drawings 

All Council water meters must be detailed on the plans and in accordance with the following standard drawings:

Water meter size Standard drawing

20mm and 25mm

Standard Drawing 102

New property service (50mm or under)

Standard Drawing 101


Standard Drawing 322


Standard Drawing 322


Standard Drawing 322


Standard Drawings 323 324 325 327

100mm or larger

Standard Drawings 323 324 325 327

Property services connection to pressured main Standard Drawing BSC.103(PDF, 137KB)
Water main tappings Standard Drawing BSC.104(PDF, 129KB)
Marking for location of hydrants and valves Standard Drawing BSC.105(PDF, 93KB)
Fire and general supply connection to pressurised main Standard Drawing BSC.106(PDF, 114KB)
Sluice valve installation details Standard Drawing BSC.107(PDF, 401KB)
Fire hydrant installation details Standard Drawing BSC.108(PDF, 387KB)



Plumbing and drainage works on private property can include:

  • minor alterations
  • renovations
  • additions
  • relocation of an existing drainage line. 

Once approval is given for the works, a notice will be issued with conditions. 

These conditions will identify when inspections will be required before the covering or backfilling of the work.

Council approval is also required for plumbing work being carried out on properties connected to On-site Waste Management Systems.


If you are installing, altering, disconnecting, or removing a Council asset, you need apply for plumbing and drainage work approval. 

Council assets include:

  • Water meters
  • Water tappings
  • Property sewer connections. 

Works must be carried out by a licensed plumber. The applicant must organise the works with the plumber once approved. 

The fee is determined by the size/diameter of the connection required.

The licensed plumber is responsible for having the site ready for Council to make the new connection to the water and/or sewer mains (often referred to as the “tapping”. All other works are completed by the plumber.  

Council will then provide a water meter connection to the site (if applied for).

Email if you need a copy of a  Council asset map that shows for example:

  • location of storm water (pipes swales)
  • sewer pipes
  • water.