We're improving the water security of Mullumbimby with the extension of the emergency water main connecting the town to the regional water network operated by Rous County Council.
Following the 2002 to 2003 drought, Council built an emergency water main connecting Mullumbimby to the regional water network operated by Rous County Council. It can supply about half the town in situations where the regular water supply from Lavertys Gap weir is disrupted.
The emergency water main is being extended with a pipeline from Tandy's Lane to the Azalea Street Reservoir. This will allow the emergency connection to support the whole town of Mullumbimby if the regular supply is interrupted.
The project will involve installing new pipes through Mullumbimby and there may be impacts on driveway access and traffic movements at certain times.
What work is being done?
Work on this major project began in November 2024 with pipelaying in east Mullumbimby during December, January and February.
Work west of Station St and on Tandys Lane will continue during the first half of 2025.
Works include
- A new water main within the Tandys Lane road reserve between the Pacific Motorway and Gulgan Road.
- A new water main running along road reserves from Mullumbimby Road/Argyle Street to King Street, Ann Street, Station Street, Fern Street, Myokum Street, Jubilee Street and Azalea Street to the Azalea Street reservoir.
- Installing of a booster pump station and bypass at the Azalea Street reservoir site.
- Minor water main upgrades at the intersection of Left Bank Road and Tristran Parade.
Emergency water main extension route
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Work hours and impacts
Construction working hours will be limited to:
- 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm Saturdays
- No works will be undertaken on Sundays and public holidays.
Work may occur outside these hours when necessary.
Traffic control measures will be in place on Argyle Street / Mullumbimby Road between Queen Street and Manns Road starting Monday 3 February, for approximately three to four weeks.
Access to Argyle Street from James Street will be closed for approximately two weeks starting Monday 10 February. A detour will be in place for traffic to access Mullumbimby Road.
This $6 million project is delivered in partnership with the NSW Reconstruction Authority and NSW Public Works, with funding from the $145 million Northern Rivers Water and Wastewater Repair and Recovery Program.