Changes to what goes in your green bin
Fibre-based materials are no longer accepted in the green organics FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) bin. This includes:
- bamboo and cardboard packaging
- newspaper (unless it is used to line a kitchen caddy)
- paper towel
- tissue
- teabags.
These items can contain harmful substances such as polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) that cause harm to our environment.
The changes will ensure our organics bin is producing nutrient rich, healthy compost.
This follows an announcement from the NSW Environment and Protection Authority.
Watch on YouTube - SCRAP better - How to make your green bin greener
What you CAN put in your green bin
- Fruit and vegetable scraps
- Meat and bones. Seafood and Shells
- Pasta, bread, rice, and cereal
- Eggs & dairy, loose tea, and coffee
- Garden waste – pruning’s, palm fronds, grass clippings, leaves, flowers and weeds.
For a full list visit A to Z waste and recycling list
What should NOT go in your green bin
- Fibre-based materials; such as bamboo, timber, cardboard packaging, or pizza boxes
- Paper towels, serviettes, or tissues
- Compostable or biodegradable plastic products or bags
- Vacuum cleaner dust, washing machine lint and dryer lint
- Pet poo and poo bags.
For a full list visit A to Z waste and recycling list
What happens to green organic waste?
Your green organics bin is collected weekly.
It is sent to a commercial composting facility and processed into compost. This compost is used by local farmers and gardeners to improve soils and produce food.
By correctly using your green bin, you are helping to keep over 5,600 tonnes of organic waste out of landfill each year.
Line your caddy’s
The best option is to rinse out your caddys. However, the EPA has allowed newspaper and caddy liners to help people stay in the habit of collecting their food scraps. So the following can be used:
- Newspaper (but only if used as lining for your caddy).
- Compostable plastic kitchen caddy liners that comply with Australian standard AS 4736-2006.
You will know if bags are meet the standard because there will be an image of the seed logo and the number AS 2736-2006 below.

No plastic, degradable or bio-degradable bags should be put in your green organics bin.