Draft Community Strategic Plan 2035

Feedback closed 9 February 2025.

Illustration of various people holding speach bubbles.png

The Community Strategic Plan has been amended based on feedback received from community engagement in 2023 and 2024. 

Public exhibition of the draft Community Strategic Plan 2035 closed on 9 February 2025. 

View the draft Community Strategic Plan 2035 online or drop in to the Mullumbimby Council Offices to view a copy.

DRAFT Community Strategic Plan 2035(PDF, 6MB)

The review of the Plan included a series of activities to collect feedback from the community. This happened from late 2023 to mid-2024.

Over 800 community members from across the Byron Shire participated. 

View the Engagement Report and see what key themes came out of the feedback. 

About the Community Strategic Plan

The Community Strategic Plan is a ten-year plan that reflects the visions, aspirations and needs of the community to guide Council's work and priorities. 

The Plan addresses four key questions for the community: 

  • Where are we now? 
  • Where do we want to be in ten years’ time? 
  • How will we get there? 
  • How will we know when we have arrived? 

This is an opportunity for the community to shape the future of Byron Shire and make it an even better place to live.

Everyone is encouraged to participate to ensure the plan represents you.

The feedback collected when developing the previous plan resulted in a number of important programs and projects progressing around Byron Shire.

Highlights from the Plan

The vision statement for Byron Shire is:

"Byron Shire is meeting place where people can come together to connect, share, grow, inspire and create positive changes."

The five objectives for Byron Shire are: 

  1. Effective Leadership - We have effective decision making and community leadership that is open and informed 
  2. Inclusive Community - We have an inclusive and proactive community where diversity is embraced and everyone is valued 
  3. Nurtured Environment - We nurture and enhance the natural environment 
  4. Ethical Growth - We will responsibly and resiliently navigate growth and change 
  5. Connected Infrastructure - We have connected infrastructure, transport and facilities that are safe, accessible and reliable.

What we heard

The review of the Plan included a series of activities to collect feedback from the community. This happened from late 2023 to mid-2024.

Over 800 community members from across the Byron Shire participated.

Key themes

  • Nature and wildlife are a top priority. The natural environment including the beach, creeks, and hinterland was consistently the most valued aspect about living and visiting Byron Shire.
  • Sense of community emerged as a clear strength and what people enjoy about Byron Shire. The people were described as eclectic, relaxed and friendly.
  • The importance of inclusion for our diverse community members was evident, with an emerging priority to support our young people.
  • Housing affordability and availability was a major stressor with many people concerned about the lack of housing in the Shire.
  • To keep up with demand, condition of infrastructure was also highlighted as a stressor. Particularly roads and drainage in the wake of the 2022 flood event.

Read more about what we heard in our Engagement Report below.

The review of the Plan included the following activities to collect feedback from the community. This happened from late 2023 to mid-2024.

Over 800 community members from across the Byron Shire have participated via:

  • In person pop-up stalls in Bangalow, Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, and New Brighton.
  • Adult and youth surveys on Your Say.
  • Ideas workshops with stakeholders including community groups and young people.
  • Submission box and information in Council foyer.
  • Telephone Community Satisfaction Survey.
  • Drawing and visioning exercises.
  • The YouthSay Program.

A report on the outcomes summarises the feedback received:

Community Strategic Plan 2035 Engagement Outcomes Report(PDF, 10MB)

Key themes

  • Nature and wildlife are a top priority. The natural environment including the beach, creeks, and hinterland was consistently the most valued aspect about living and visiting Byron Shire.
  • Sense of community emerged as a clear strength and what people enjoy about Byron Shire. The people were described as eclectic, relaxed and friendly.
  • The importance of inclusion for our diverse community members was evident, with an emerging priority to support our young people.
  • The Shire was described as unique and a haven for creatives, lovers of the outdoors, and foodies. There was a sense of preserving the Byron Shire lifestyle and a trend towards localisation.
  • The changing nature of the community and managing population growth and visitation was seen as a concern.
  • Housing affordability and availability was a major stressor with many people concerned about the lack of housing in the Shire.
  • Meeting housing needs in the Shire needs to be done in a cautious and considered way as overdevelopment was seen as a risk. Maintaining built character as well as preserving habitat for biodiversity was valued by many.
  • To keep up with demand, condition of infrastructure was also highlighted as a stressor. Particularly roads and drainage in the wake of the 2022 flood event.
  • With increasing road users, a lack of public transport options to keep our towns and villages connected was a challenge for many, particularly youth. Creating more active transport options was also identified as an opportunity.
  • There is also a sense that some people in the community do not feel heard and would like to be further engaged in decision making.

The Community Strategic Plan has been reviewed to ensure it is reflective of the community’s main priorities and aspirations for Byron Shire. 

All NSW Councils are required to review the Community Strategic Plan before 30 June in the year after a local government election. 

The Byron Shire Community Strategic Plan – 2032 was adopted by Council in June 2022 after community engagement.