Lawson Street Drainage Upgrade
- Project typeLawson Street drainage upgrade
- Project value$1.3 million
- Project scheduleComplete
Council has upgraded drainage and the road on a section of Lawson Street between Fletcher Street and Middleton Street. This project is part of Council’s Capital Works program.
Work included
- Fixing the road surface.
- Renewing the water supply.
- Upgrading the drainage system to integrate into the Byron Bay Drainage Upgrade.
- Reorganising parking areas.
- Installing garden beds.
- Improving the footpaths and replacing the pavers with concrete so they can be used by everyone, including people with mobility devices.
- Installing more bike racks.
- Replacing broken kerb and gutter.
The project has been made possible thanks to funding from the Australia and NSW Government's Infrastructure Betterment Fund.
Map showing works on Lawson Street

Lawson Street, Byron Bay 2481 View Map
-28.642704, 153.614664
Lawson Street ,
Byron Bay 2481
Lawson Street ,
Byron Bay 2481
Lawson Street Drainage Upgrade