Have your say on the Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme

Submissions closed on 10 December 2024, 11:59 PM

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There is a critical need for affordable housing in Byron Shire. 

An Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme is a way to generate this housing for our community.

Our first Scheme came into effect in January 2023.

We have drafted a new Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme 02 to capture new areas identified in the Byron Shire Residential Strategy 2041.

Have your say on this scheme by completing the online form.

What is an Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme?

An Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme provides detail about how, where, and at what rate development contributions can be collected from landowners for affordable housing. 

This draft Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme 02 requires contributions of land in the form of residential lots.

An Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme is activated when land is upzoned, which increases the value of the land.

Read more about Affordable Housing Contribution Schemes

Where does the Draft Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme 02 apply?

The 02 Scheme applies to future residential development identified in the following contribution areas: 

  • Brunswick Heads
  • Mullumbimby
  • Suffolk Park. 

Have your say

The planning proposal and Affordable Housing Contributions Scheme 02 are open for feedback.

You can provide feedback by completing the online form:

Submit feedback

Feedback will be considered before we finalise the planning proposal.

What is Affordable Housing?

Affordable housing is for very low, low and moderate income households. Housing is usually considered affordable if it costs less than 30% of gross household income

For more information visit NSW Affordable Housing Ministerial Guidelines

How are contributions calculated?

The draft Scheme sets the minimum contribution rates in each area. They are a percentage of the residential lots in the development required to be affordable housing.

In limited circumstances, Council may agree to accept a contribution in the form of dwellings and/or a monetary contribution in lieu of land. 

The contribution must be worth at least the market value of the required lots.  


How and when are contributions made?

When an application is approved on land identified in the Scheme, contribution requirements will be set out as a condition of development consent. 

The required contribution must be satisfied before a Construction Certificate is granted.

Will the contributions make housing lots more expensive?

The contribution rates have been set at a level where they can be accommodated within normal development profit margins without impacting housing costs, whilst also providing a reasonable return to developers after factoring in market risks.

How will the contributions be used?

Affordable housing provided through the Scheme will be held and managed by one or more registered Community Housing Providers.

Community Housing Providers are selected by Council.

Housing will be rented to low- to moderate-income households in accordance with the agreed eligibility framework. 

Contributions of land will be transferred to Byron Shire Council or a nominated Community Housing Provider and combined with other funding sources and/or loan finance to support the construction of affordable housing dwellings.