New Brighton, South Golden Beach and Ocean Shores Place Plan

Feedback closed 6 September.

Aerial view looking south over the waterways and long stretch of beach from Ocean Shores.jpg

We're working with the community to create a Place Plan for New Brighton, South Golden Beach and Ocean Shores.

The Place Plan will define the vision and priority projects for each of these unique places for the next 20 years.

During July to September 2024, we asked the community what you love about where you live and what improvements you would like to see.

We also ran a series of pop-up info sessions and workshops. 

Your feedback will help to inform a character statement, vision, and a set of actions for each place.

The Draft Place Plan will go to Council in early 2025. 

Thanks to everyone who participated. 

Purpose of a Place Plan

The Place Plan will provide an opportunity for the New Brighton, South Golden Beach and Ocean Shores communities to clearly identify their vision and priorities, and contain actions relating to things such as:

  • Streetscape upgrades
  • Transport and access
  • Planning controls
  • Environment
  • Events
  • Character
  • Resilience and Community building.


., New BrightonOcean ShoresSouth Golden Beach 2483  View Map

Google Map

Place Plans set out what people want to see in their community over a 20-year period. Place Plans guide the work we do to make sure we retain and enhance the look and feel of specific areas. A Place Plan can include themes, guidelines and actions relating to:

  • Streetscape upgrades
  • Movement and access
  • Planning controls
  • Environment
  • Events
  • Character
  • Resilience and Community building

This Place Plan will be a guiding document for the future of New Brighton, South Golden Beach and Ocean Shores.

It will provide Council and community with a clear vision, guiding principles and a set of priorities for each community.

It is important to note that a Place Plan is not a statutory document and as such doesn’t have any legal status. It can identify and scope projects, however it does not initiate, design or undertake a project.

By clearly articulating and scoping priority projects in the Place Plan, it will be useful for future funding opportunities and grant applications. The aim is to develop clearly defined projects with objective, scope, timing, responsibilities and rationales, ready to be implemented.

The Place Planning Collective is a group of community members, Council staff and Councillors who help us apply the actions in our place plans. Once this Place Plan is complete, representatives from New Brighton, Ocean Shores and South Golden Beach will be able to join the Collective and help drive further action in their communities.

This Place Planning process is intended to run for approximately 12 months, beginning in July 2024, and delivering a final Place Plan to Council by June 2025.

To help draft this Place Plan, Council will engage a Stakeholder Reference Group, made up of community representatives and other stakeholders (such as technical experts and government agencies).

There will also be broad community engagement – open to all community members to participate – including workshop sessions, stalls at community markets and events, engagement with schools and other recreational groups, and online feedback opportunities.

We want to hear from the community,

“What do you love about your place, and what improvements would you like to see?”

This will be a collaborative process where the feedback and ideas we receive from community will inform the draft Place Plan.

The Draft Place Plan will then be placed on public exhibition, and a second round of community consultation will take place.

A Stakeholder Reference Group will be formed to provide guidance on local issues and help increase community involvement in the Place Planning process.

This group will include representatives from community groups, businesses and relevant government agencies.

To learn more about this group or get involved, contact:

Stephanie McMurray