Advisory Committees

An Advisory Committee makes recommendations to Council.

Find information about each of our advisory committee's including their purpose, constitution and membership.

Advisory Committee membership

Members are appointed for the current Council term (2022 to 2024). Members may be a combination of:

  • Councillors.
  • Appointed community members.
  • Representatives of other organizations.
  • Council staff.

Recommendations are made following a staff report at an Advisory Committee meeting. The recommendations are made through the meeting minutes and considered at an Ordinary meeting.

Advisory Committee Induction dates

Attending an induction session is mandatory for all committee members. To register to attend a 1 hour induction session:


This Committee will contribute to the broad strategic development of the artistic and creative industries in Byron Shire and provide expert advice and guidance to council on arts and cultural, and creative industries development. The committee will input into development of relevant planning documents and public art processes and projects as required.


Councillor Representatives

  • Cr Ndiaye (Chairperson)
  • Cr Balson
  • Cr Westheimer
  • Cr Coorey (Alternate)

Community Representatives

  • Jane Fuller
  • Lou Hodgson
  • Samantha Collyer
  • Jack Dods
  • Denise Napier
  • Gwyneth Broug
  • Laurel Cohn


View the Arts and Creative Industries Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 267KB)

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 29 February 2024 - 4.30pm
  • Thursday 20 June 2024 - 9.00am

Meetings are normally scheduled to be held in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The purpose of the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Advisory Committee is to meet as required to assist with the delivery and implementation of the actions in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Byron Shire Council and the Bundjalung of Byron Bay (Arakwal) people.

Council acknowledges that Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants of the Byron Shire area and that according to their continuing law, traditions and customs it remains their traditional country. Council also acknowledges and respects the Corporation’s right to speak for its country in accordance with its laws, traditions and customs.

The parties commit themselves to seek together ways in which Aboriginal interests can be advanced where decisions are to be made about their traditional country.

The parties commit themselves to work together to ensure that this is done in a way that advances the interests of the whole community and promotes harmonious community interests.

This committee meets to fulfil Council’s legal obligations under the Native Title Act and facilitate an avenue for the traditional owners as recognised under the Native Title Act (1993) the Bundjalung of Byron Bay, Arakwal People, to participate in governance on matters relating to their ancestral homelands.



  • Cr Ndiaye
  • Cr Pugh
  • Cr Balson

(note: Rotating Chairperson)

Community Members

  • 3 invited representatives from the Bundjalung of Byron Bay Aboriginal Corporation (Arakwal) including the General Manager and two Board Members.


The constitution of this Committee is not yet publicly available.  


The objective of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Advisory Committee is to provide professional, independent advice and assistance to Council in assessing the organisation's audit, compliance, risk and improvement performance.

The Committee assists the General Manager and Council to ensure Council maintains legal compliance and adheres to policy directions from the Office of Local Government. 

The primary functions of the Committee are to ensure that:

  1. Business and governance systems and procedures have been established by the Executive Team and are effectively implemented;
  2. Appropriate risks and exposures are identified and effectively managed;
  3. A culture of adherence to Council policies and procedures is promoted;
  4. Identify and implement performance improvement measures and functions;
  5. Statutory compliance and fraud control is promoted and monitored;
  6. The audit processes (both internal and external) are effective;
  7. The external reporting is objective and credible;
  8. Monitor and review the implementation of the strategic plan, delivery program and strategies; and 
  9. Service reviews are conducted. 



  • Cr Swivel
  • Cr Hunter


  • Pat Grier (Chairperson)
  • Michael Georghiou
  • Bernard Grinberg

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 15 February 2024 - 11.30am
  • Thursday 9 May 2024 - 11.30am
  • Thursday 21 November 2024 - 11.30am

Meetings are normally held in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The purpose of the Biodiversity Advisory Committee is:

1. To assist Council in the development, implementation and review of relevant biodiversity plans and policies such as: Biodiversity Conservation Strategy, Integrated Pest Management Plan, Flying Fox Camp Management Plan, Coastal Koala Plan of Management, Pest Animal Management Plan.

2. To support our Agricultural Action Plan’s goal to improve productivity and sustainable land use practices on rural lands in Byron Shire

3. To identify and report biodiversity (terrestrial and coastal) and sustainable/regenerative agriculture matters to Council including, but not limited to: issues and concerns; community or collaborative opportunities; grant funding opportunities; special events; consultation and community engagement ideas; government policy; best practice or improved guidelines/guidance.



  • Cr Ndiaye9 (Chairperson)
  • Cr Balson
  • Cr Westheimer

Community Members

  • Dave Rawlins (Brunswick Valley Landcare)
  • Liana Joseph
  • Lindsay Murray
  • David Milledge
  • James Jackson
  • Stephen Millard
  • Leonard Cronin 


View the Biodiversity Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 270KB).

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 29 February 2024 - 9.00am
  • Thursday 9 May 2024 - 4.30pm

Meetings will normally be held in the Byron Shire Council Chambers, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The purpose of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee is:

1. To assist Council in the development, implementation and review of the new business industry and visitor economy strategy.

2. To identify and report business and visitor economy matters to Council including, but not limited to opportunities or concerns, funding opportunities, government policy, best practice/guidelines.



  • Cr Lyon (Chairperson)
  • Cr Hunter
  • Cr Pugh


View the Business and Industry Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 318KB)

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 30 May 2024 - 4.30pm

Meetings will normally be held in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The purpose of the Climate Change & Resource Recovery Advisory Committee is:

1. To assist Council in the development, implementation and review of relevant sustainability, resource recovery and climate change mitigation and adaptation plans, policies and projects such as:

  • Council’s Net Zero Emissions Strategy and Action Plan
  • Council’s Towards Zero Integrated Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy
  • Councils Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement and Education Plan
  • Climate Change Adaptation Plan
  • Renewable energy projects
  • Local network trading and local network charges
  • Carbon reporting
  • Waste avoidance, resource recovery, circular economy and reuse programs
  • Other sustainability and resource recovery initiatives

2. To support our community’s drive towards zero emissions and zero waste to landfill.

3. To identify and report opportunities or concerns regarding resource recovery, waste management, sustainability and climate change adaptation and mitigation issues to Council including, but not limited to, funding opportunities, special events, government policy, practice or guidelines.



  • Cr Ndiaye (Chairperson)
  • Cr Swivel
  • Cr Pugh
  • Cr Dey (Alternate)

Community Membership

  • Anne Stuart (Zero Emissions Byron)
  • Jean Renouf (Plan C)
  • Sasha Mainsbridge (Mullum Cares)
  • Luke McConell
  • Bronwyn Elliott
  • Fleur Brown
  • Madeleine Green
  • Elizabeth Gray


View the Climate Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 245KB)

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 15 February 2024 - 9.00am
  • Thursday 9 May 2024 - 9.00am

Meetings are normally scheduled to take place in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Officers, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The purpose of the Coast and ICOLL Advisory Committee is to:

a) Advise Council in the development of Coastal Management Programs for the Shire’s coast, estuary and ICOLLs.

b) Advise on projects, plans and strategies related to the coast, estuary and ICOLLS.

c) Offer a platform and conduit for communication between stakeholders and community members and agencies.



  • Cr Dey (Chairperson)
  • Cr Coorey
  • Cr Lyon (Alternate)


  • Dailan Pugh
  • Bill Payne
  • Jan Olley
  • Lauren Morgan 
  • Dylan Laicher
  • Matthew Lambourne


View the Coast and ICOLL Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 264KB)

Meeting Dates

  • Tuesday 12 March 2024 - 2.00pm
  • Tuesday 14 May 2024 - 2.00pm

Meetings are normally scheduled to occur in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The Committee is to facilitate strategic policy development on a range of communication issues concerning Byron Shire Council and to make recommendations to Council accordingly. The Committee will make recommendations to Council inclusive of the following objectives:

  • To communicate, educate and engage the community with an integrated and consistent approach.
  • To improve the access to information that clarifies Council’s policies, values and objectives to all stakeholders.
  • To investigate new and emerging technologies to enhance effective communication between Council and community.

The Committee does not have the power to direct staff but will make recommendations to Council.   


  • Cr Ndiaye (Chairperson)
  • Cr Coorey
  • Cr Balson (Alternate)

Meeting Dates

  • Tuesday 13 February 2024 - 4.30pm
  • Tuesday 14 May 2024 - 4.30pm

Meetings are normally scheduled to occur in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.



The purpose of the Finance Advisory Committee is to:

  • Assist in the development of draft budgets;
  • Assist in the format of the Annual Report; and
  • Consider other financial information and matters as they arise.



  • Cr Swivel
  • Cr Balson
  • Cr Pugh
  • Cr Hunter

(note: Rotating Chairperson)


The constitution of this Committee is not yet publicly available.

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 15 February 2024 - 2.00pm
  • Thursday 9 May 2024 - 2.00pm
  • Thursday 8 August 2024 - 9.00am



The purpose of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee is to oversee and advise Council on the preparation, implementation and review of Flood Studies and Floodplain Risk Management Studies as required.



  • Cr Lyon (Chairperson)
  • Cr Coorey
  • Cr Dey

Community members

  • Rebecca Brewin
  • Matthew Lambourne
  • Karl Allen
  • Steven Harris
  • Catherine Lane
  • Robert Crossley
  • Martin Rose, Department of Planning Industry and Environment
  • Peter Mair, State Emergency Service 
  • National Parks (vacant)
  • Cape Byron Marine Park (vacant)


View the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 817KB)

Meeting Dates

  • Tuesday 13 February 2024 - 9.00am
  • Tuesday 14 May 2024 - 11.30am
  • Friday 12 July 2024, 10:00am (Extraordinary)

Meetings are scheduled to normally be held in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The purpose of the Heritage Advisory Committee is to provide support and advice to Council to assist its operations on heritage matters.

Actions of the Advisory Committee that can assist to achieve this includes:

  • Assisting Council in the development of policies and strategies including the preparation of a Heritage Strategy and the management of natural and cultural heritage generally in Byron Shire local government area.
  • Advising Council staff, the Heritage Adviser and the Council on matters relating to the ongoing implementation of the Heritage Strategy (once completed).
  • Assisting Council to procure and allocate funding assistance and to recommend projects for which funding should be sought in line with the Heritage Strategy (once completed).
  • Providing access to the general community to distribute information and for public input into heritage management, eg, to nominate additional properties for assessment of heritage significance.
  • Advising Council on a range of heritage-related matters which are of interest to the community, in particular, by providing expertise, local knowledge and guidance on heritage matters and in relation to heritage assessments.



  • Cr Swivel (Chairperson)
  • Cr Lyon

Historical Society Members

  • Chris Cooney (Brunswick Valley)
  • Vivienne Gorec (Bangalow)
  • Byron Bay (vacant)
  • Mullumbimby (vacant)

1 representative each from

  • Bundjalung of Byron Bay Aboriginal Corporation (Arakwal) (vacant)
  • Tweed Byron Local Aboriginal Council (vacant)

Community Representatives

  • Jan Hackett
  • Gae Laverty
  • Brooke Crowle


View the Heritage Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 345KB)

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 15 February 2024 - 4.30pm
  • Thursday 20 June 2024 - 11.30am

Meetings are scheduled to normally occur in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The scope of the Housing and Affordability Advisory Committee is:

  • Monitor and promote the implementation of Council's Affordable Housing Policy and other relevant policies and plans related to affordable housing for very low-, low- and moderate-income households, including essential workers, boarding house residents, homeless people and others experiencing housing stress.
  • Serve as a resource for Council in relation to the housing market, trends and community impacts, including supporting access to and opportunities for affordable, sustainable and accessible housing options where relevant.
  • Suggestions on improving the development of housing options that support the retention of a diverse and inclusive community and an accessible and sustainable place to live.
  • Assist in the development of programs and initiatives to highlight the importance of housing to the well-being and dynamism of the community.


The role of the Housing and Affordability Advisory Committee is:

  • Policy, research and priorities relating to the housing market and trends, and their impacts on the community, including the provision of appropriate, affordable housing and related opportunities as well as identification of service gaps.
  • Joint opportunities with State and Federal agencies, peak housing bodies and community housing providers.
  • Partnership opportunities with key stakeholders regarding best practice models for affordable, sustainable, accessible, diverse and inclusive housing.
  • Implementation of policy.
  • Activities, forums, roundtables, projects, programs and events to encourage delivery of affordable and sustainable housing options for the community.



  • Cr Ndiaye (Chairperson)
  • Cr Balson
  • Cr Dey


  • Stephanie Smith
  • Sue Franklin
  • Joe Vescio
  • Jack Dods
  • John McKenna
  • Phil Hoffman


Housing-and-Affordability-Advisory-Committee-Constitution-2022.pdf(PDF, 347KB)  

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 29 February 2024 - 2.00pm
  • Thursday 30 May 2024 - 2.00pm

Meetings will normally be held in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The purpose of the Infrastructure Advisory Committee is to:

  • develop and review policies and priorities for addressing the management of civil infrastructure to meet the needs and aspirations of the Shire's population in a sustainable way.
  • review Council’s Asset Management Plan and 10 year works program.
  • review the level of service to be provided by the Council in the maintenance and renewal of assets within the available budget and resources.
  • advise on opportunities or concerns regarding infrastructure to Council as required, including but not limited to, funding opportunities, government policy, practice or guidelines, safety, accessibility, and other such relevant issues.



  • Cr Lyon (Chairperson)
  • Cr Swivel
  • Cr Dey

Community Representatives

  • Gareth James
  • Anthony Pangallo
  • Kellie Obrien
  • Genevieve Lee
  • Andrew Winton-Brown


View the Infrastructure Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 336KB)

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 29 February 2024 - 11.30am
  • Thursday 20 June 2024 - 2.00pm

Meetings are normally scheduled to take place in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is legislated as the organisation responsible for the control of traffic on all roads in New South Wales. Traffic is controlled by the installation of prescribed traffic control devices, such as regulatory signs or traffic control facilities. 

TfNSW however delegates certain aspects of the control of traffic on Regional and Local Roads to the Councils of Local Government areas while TfNSW continues to manage State Roads. Traffic committees are a requirement of the delegation process. There are two types of traffic committees, Local and Regional.

Further information is available from the TfNSW website.


  • Cr Lyon (Chairperson)
  • Detective Chief Inspector Matt Kehoe (NSW Police)
  • Ms Alexie Miller (Transport for NSW)
  • Tamara Smith MP (Local State Member of Parliament)

Staff Contact

Meeting Dates

  • Tuesday 13 February 2024 - 11.30am 
  • Tuesday 12 March 2024 - 10.30am 
  • Tuesday 16 April 2024 - 10.30am 
  • Tuesday 14 May 2024 - 9.00am 
  • Tuesday 11 June 2024 - 11.30am 
  • Tuesday 10 September 2024 - 10.30am 
  • Tuesday 15 October 2024 - 10.30am
  • Tuesday 19 November 2024 - 9.00am
  • Tuesday 10 December 2024 - 10.30am 

Meetings will normally be held in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.



  • Support the development, adoption and implementation of the Moving Byron (strategy) and in particular its implication on other Council policy, practice, process, operations and decision-making.
  • Advise on opportunities or concerns regarding transport services and infrastructure to Council as required, including but not limited to, funding opportunities, government policy, practice or guidelines, safety, accessibility, mobility and other such relevant transport issues.
  • Review Councils Bike Plan and PAMP actions table and priorities annually or as required to help guide the development and prioritisation of the 10 year works program.
  • Review Councils Traffic and Transport Infrastructure register annually to help guide the development and prioritisation of the 10 year works program.



  • Cr Coorey
  • Cr Swivel (Chairperson)
  • Cr Dey
  • Cr Westheimer

Community Membership

  • Annie Villeseche
  • Jack Dods
  • Basil Cameron
  • Ian Pickles
  • Margaret Robertson
  • Geoffrey Meers


View the Moving Byron Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 672KB)

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 30 May 2024 - 9.00am

Meetings are scheduled to normally be held in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.


The purpose of the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee is to:

  • develop policies for addressing the integrated water cycle management needs and aspirations of the Shire’s population in an ecologically sustainable way
  • develop strategies for natural resource management / demand management for water and sewer management within the Shire
  • recommend on strategies and plans that address water, sewer, reuse and storm water  management issues in a regional/ broader context.



  • Cr Coorey
  • Cr Lyon
  • Cr Ndiaye (Chairperson)
  • Cr Dey

Community Representatives

  • Ben Fawcett
  • David Fligelman
  • Elia Hauge
  • Bruce Clarke


Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Constitution(PDF, 336KB)  

Meeting Dates

  • Thursday 21 March 2024 - 11.30am
  • Thursday 30 May 2024 - 11.30am 
  • Thursday 20 June 2024 - 4.30pm
  • Friday 19 July 2024 - 10:00am (Extraordinary Meeting)

Meetings are normally scheduled to occur in the Conference Room, Byron Shire Council Offices, 70 Station Street, Mullumbimby.