Repairing flood damage in Huonbrook and Upper Wilsons Creek


Some repair work has started while ongoing monitoring of large landslips is ongoing.

Residents may notice geotech teams, surveyors, and remote monitoring devices being installed at different times.

Location Project details Status
Huonbrook Road repairs Road repair to Huonbrook Road Funding approved.
Huonbrook landslip 1 Landslip 1 near Lilium Cafe.  

Funding application submitted to TfNSW for approval.

Huonbrook Road landslips

Various landslips on Huonbrook Road.

Funding application submitted to TfNSW for approval.
Johnsons Road land slips

Investigation, stabilisation and repair.

Funding application submitted to TfNSW for approval.
Johnsons Road causeways (two) and culverts (two)


 Repair  Funding approved. 
Huonbrook Road drainage We are installing a major culvert. Preliminary work has been done.
Further work will be timed to coincide with other work in the area, to minimise impacts of work on residents. 

Funding approved. 

Wilsons Creek Road
Investigation, stabilisation and repair. Funding application submitted to TfNSW for approval.
Upper Wilsons Creek  Upper Wilsons Creek Road restoration including causeways. 

Funding application submitted to TfNSW for approval.