Cr. Peter Westheimer


Peter Westheimer was elected in December 2021.

Peter Westheimer Councillor

Living in the Shire for over 30 years has given me a keen appreciation and understanding of our community’s values and the policies that govern us.

During my former term as Councillor (2004-2008) including 18 months as Deputy Mayor I chaired and participated in multiple council committees and local groups, such as:  

  • Biodiversity Committee (17 years)
  • Mullumbimby Civic Hall Committee Chair (8 years) as the main driver of its $1.5 redesign and repair.
  • Screenworks and Arts Northern Rivers Boards (4 years)
  • Big Scrub Landcare group (4 years)
  • Brunswick Valley Landcare Group (Life member)
  • Byron Bay Community Centre Board (4 years)
  • Northern Rivers Trains for the Future-TOOT- (10 years)
  • Cycle-ways Committee (4 years)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Committee (4 years)
  • Brunswick River Estuary Management (4 years)

As a medical doctor previously involved in Occupational Health, Rehabilitation, Holistic and Medicolegal assessments, I recognise the critical importance the natural environment has on our community well-being

With a complimentary career in the music and film industry as a screen composer, musician, producer and videographer, I am also highly conscious of the value of creativity, its ability to heal, nurture, and express our community voice.

During this council term, my key focus areas are:


Extensive on the ground knowledge of ecological restoration, bush regeneration & farm forestry. Biodiversity and wildlife corridor enhancement including alternative solutions to cattle grazing.

Public transport

Rail corridor restoration and major connectivity improvements.


Link housing affordability & availability with environmental enhancement via contemporary ecologically sustainable solutions.

Creative community industries

Arts and creativity in all aspects of our lives are among our greatest assets. New arts hubs, support for innovative design and climate change solutions.  Cultural events and festivals that target a wider demographic.

Strategic Planning

Review and update the equity of contribution plans.

Align infrastructure delivery with planning strategies and make changes to facilitate key objectives relating to housing/food growing and increasing biodiversity.

Tourism Management

I aim to encourage environmentally aware respectful tourism with a need to communicate the role of biodiversity and ecosystems in maintaining our quality of life physically and psychologically and in understanding the challenges of climate change and eco-anxiety.  Motivate and empower visitors and residents to action and personal change both locally and elsewhere.

If we can understand the benefits of a deep connection with nature it becomes personally and politically relevant to enhance our ecosystems.